3.10. Further reading#
There are many introductory and advanced textbooks on Prolog programming. (Bratko, 1990) is a particularly practical introduction. (Sterling & Shapiro, 1986) offers a slightly more advanced presentation. (Nilsson & Maluszynski, 1990) is one of the few books dealing with both the theoretical and practical aspects of programming in Prolog. (Ross, 1989) and (O’Keefe, 1990) discuss advanced issues in the practice of Prolog programming.
Those eager to learn more about the implementation of Prolog interpreters are referred to (Maier & Warren, 1988). (Bowen & Kowalski, 1982) is an early source on meta-programs in Logic Programming. The slogan Algorithm = Logic + Control was put forward by Kowalski (1979). A discussion of the relation between declarative and procedural programming can be found in (Kowalski, 1993).
K.A. Bowen & R.A. Kowalski (1982), ‘Amalgamating language and metalanguage in Logic Programming’. In Logic Programming, K.L. Clark & S. Tärnlund (eds.), Academic Press.
I. Bratko (1990), Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence, Addison-Wesley, second edition.
R.A. Kowalski (1979), ‘Algorithm = Logic + Control’, Communications of the ACM 22 (7): 424-436.
R.A. Kowalski (1993), ‘Logic Programming’. In Encyclopedia of Computer Science, A. Ralston & E.D. Reilly (eds), pp. 778-783, Van Nostrand Reinhold, third edition.
D. Maier & D.S. Warren (1988), Computing with Logic: Logic Programming with Prolog, Benjamin/Cummings.
U. Nilsson & J. Maluszynski (1990), Logic, Programming and Prolog, John Wiley.
R.A. O’Keefe (1990), The Craft of Prolog, MIT Press.
P. Ross (1989), Advanced Prolog: Techniques and Examples, Addison-Wesley.
L.S. Sterling & E.Y. Shapiro (1986), The Art of Prolog, MIT Press.