Further reading

9.4. Further reading#

The program induce_rlgg/2 is based on the GOLEM system described in (Muggleton & Feng, 1990). The program induce_spec/2 is based on the MIS system described in (Shapiro, 1983). (Quinlan, 1990) discusses a hill-climbing heuristic for top-down induction. The notion of generalisation in logic programs is discussed in (Niblett, 1988). (Gottlob, 1987) precisely characterises the difference between \(\theta\)-subsumption and logical consequence.

The subject of inductively inferring logic programs has been recently named Inductive Logic Programming. (Muggleton, 1992) is the first collection of papers on this subject. Recent books are (De Raedt, 1992) and (Lavrač & Džeroski, 1994).

  • G. Gottlob (1987), ‘Subsumption and implication’, Information Processing Letters 24: 109–111.

  • N. Lavrač & S. Džeroski (1994), Inductive Logic Programming: Techniques and Applications, Ellis Horwood.

  • S.H. Muggleton & C. Feng (1990), ‘Efficient induction of logic programs’. In Proc. First Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory, Ohmsha, Tokyo. Also in (Muggleton, 1992), pp. 261-280.

  • S.H. Muggleton (ed.) (1992), Inductive Logic Programming, Academic Press.

  • T. Niblett (1988), ‘A study of generalisation in logic programs’. In Proc. European Working Sessions on Learning, D. Sleeman (ed.), pp. 131-138, Pitman.

  • J.R. Quinlan (1990), ‘Learning logical definitions from relations’, Machine Learning 5 (3): 239-266.

  • L. De Raedt (1992), Interactive Theory Revision: an Inductive Logic Programming Approach, Academic Press.

  • E.Y. Shapiro (1983), Algorithmic Program Debugging, MIT Press.